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Gesher Theater (Israel)
Grand Hall
Duration 2.40 (with intermission)

Premiere 2023

After the novel by L. Tolstoy, translated into Hebrew by Roy Chen, adapted by Rimas Tuminas, Maria Peterson, dramaturgy Katya Sassonsky
Director Rimas Tuminas
Set designer Adomas Jacovskis
Costume designer Olga Filatova
Light designer Alexander Sikirin
Composer Giedrius Puskunigis
Choreographer Anželika Cholina
Assistant director Daria Shamina

Cast: Efrat Ben-Tzur, Gil Frank, Avi Azoulay, Alon Friedman, Karin Seruya, Roni Einav, Miki Leon, Yuval Yanai, Nikita Kokh

Performance 18+

Performance in Hebrew with Lithuanian and English surtitles

“All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is miserable in its own way.”

Anna Karenina has an esteemed husband, a charming boy, impeccable social status, but one day she meets a handsome officer named Alexei Vronsky. Falling in love undermines her family life and soul. Trust versus betrayal, routine versus breathtaking adventure. Could it have ended differently?

The play was produced in collaboration with the Theatre “Les Gemeaux” (France).