The unconventional duo “Musica Nuda” was born from the accidental meeting of Petra Magoni and Ferruccio Spinetti. In 2003 Petra and Ferruccio met in a band called Avion Travel, where she was a singer and he played double-bass. Petra Magoni was about to embark on a mini-tour of small clubs in her native Tuscany, accompanied on guitar by a friend. But on debut day, the guitarist fell ill. Rather than canceling the date, Petra asked Ferruccio if he felt like sitting in instead, and he promptly accepted.
The gig was such a success that in a matter of a few weeks the two members of this brand new voice’n’bass combo put together a full repertoire, picking the songs they loved the most, and in a single day they recorded their first album, “Musica Nuda”. “Musica Nuda” spontaneously became the name of their project and of the band itself. The chemistry between them was perfectly obvious, but neither Petra nor Ferruccio could ever imagine the achievements that were to come in such a short time: hundreds of performances in Italy and abroad, prestigious awards, recognition from fans and the media, TV appearances, and radio broadcasts.
A present from TheATRIUM to Klaipėda and the guests of the city
Theatre Square
Duration 1.30
Petra Magoni (vocals), Ferruccio Spinetti (double bass)
Petra Magoni (vocals), Ferruccio Spinetti (double bass)